Our Vision is to liberate every Capelander by legally seceding from RSA to a new, free United Cape States.

Our Supporting Groups

This united front of organisations supporting your self-determination and sovereign independence is expanding.

Our supporter base from these organisations is currently at

Royal House of Davids
Cape Independence Movement
Awaken Liberty
Eden Aboriginal Council
Kajara San Group
Volke Vryheid Stryders

United Cape States Signing Agreements with Organizations

Uniting for a Brighter Future! Together, we sign agreements with supporting organizations to empower the dream of a free and prosperous Cape.

Approximately 9 million people who historically occupied the Capeland area are denied their rightful social and political liberties

For far too long, these citizens have faced barriers that hinder their freedom and equal opportunities. The dream of a united and prosperous nation has been suppressed, leaving many voices unheard and potential untapped.

But together, we have the power to change this narrative. By supporting the United Cape States (UCS) initiative, you become an advocate for justice, liberty, and the restoration of dignity for all Capelanders. Help break down the barriers and build a land where every citizen, including yourself, is valued and empowered.

You deserve a country where your rights are honoured, your pride restored, your worth valued, and patriotism thrives in a united society.

In our United Cape States the moral values, customs and norms of our beautiful diverse cultures and religions of the Capelander citizens will be protected and nurtured.

If this appeals to you, then let’s journey together to make it a reality!

Our Mission

  • Represent all supporting organizations and members.
  • Follow international legal secession process.
  • Secure a new independent country, United Cape States.
  • Ensure citizens’ true liberty and prosperity.
  • Be people-driven and for the people.

Our Objectives

  • Expand support from various organizations, groups, and individuals.
  • Gather proof of support for Capelander people’s independence.
  • Establish a fully representative governing entity during transition period.

Support the United Cape States

Help us in our mission to create a free and prosperous nation for all Capelanders. Register your details now to show your support!

Support the United Cape States

Help us in our mission to create a free and prosperous nation for all Capelanders. Register your details now to show your support!