About The UCS

Meet Our Visionaries

Dr Shawn Stewart

Dr Shawn Stewart

Elroy Baron

Elroy Baron

Patrick Melly

The UCS Advisory Council members are tasked to articulate the structure of the United Cape States Transitional Authority (UCS-TA) that will act as representative interim or emergency governing entity throughout the transition period to independence.

It is a well known fact that various organisations share a common desire to achieve legal, rightful self-determination and independence for the people they represent. We also understand that only through a united front comprised of all such like-minded organisations representing the Capelander people will rapid advancement to bring conclusion to a process of liberation be successful.

The United Cape States Transitional Authority (UCS-TA) was established in February 2022 to provide for a neutral, representative and unifying entity where the representative leadership from every organisation supporting legal selfdetermination in a sovereign independent country can now:

  • adopt the documented legal de jure case for secession;
  • form part of a representative transitional authority (interim or emergency governing entity);
  • collectively and actively participate in the preparation for the new country, and
  • garner support for our self-determination through registering of mandates to prove “the will of the people”

The UCS-TA therefore acts on authority of the various organisations, associations, groups, movements and independent individuals as a united front for self-determination and independence.

This united front will maintain control of the process to establish the world’s newest country The Cape (short for The United Cape States). The UCS-TA acts as the “stand in” or “emergency” government entity, as far as possible working closely with existing structures to ensure stability throughout the transition period.

The UCS-TA has a carefully crafted transition plan towards the establishment of a federal state, whilst fulfilling internationally accepted conditions for statehood and ensuring that the essential elements of overall liberty is never compromised.

What we all quickly learnt from this journey of unification is that all organisations seeking freedom and self-determination have a lot more in common uniting us all than those less important issues threatening to divide us!
“United we Stand, Divided we Fall” is perfectly relevant.

For the UCS-TA, acting as the voice of the people it will always be about a single objective – the liberation of Capelanders by applying the international legal secession process.

No measure of other influences will be allowed to impact on securing these inalienable rights, especially agendas where the people are left to blindly accept the ambiguous decisions made behind closed doors made by a few other so-called elites claiming to act in their best interests. As the UCS-TA we will not allow the people to be subjected to just another oppressive regime. For once, the governance of the new country must be for the people and through the people without compromise.

Spearheading the international legal de jure process on behalf of approximately 9 million Capelander souls, represented by the various organisations, groups and individuals collectively claiming self-determination in a new, sovereign independent country, currently referenced as The United Cape States (UCS), we are under obligation to uphold our golden thread of values being:

  • Ensure that the God-given rights and common law principles will form an inalienable part of the liberation of the people.
  • Excite representative participation from all organisations during the decision making processes.
  • Consider, respect and protect the diverse characteristics of the groups of people representing the citizenry as future CapelandersReject all discrimination based on ethnicity, creed, language or culture.
  • Root out all forms of evil corruption and fraud.
  • Formulate the respective processes to reduce or eradicate crime, poor living standards, sub-standard education and health, homelessness and unemployment to ensure that the Capelanders will enjoy prosperity and equal opportunities.
  • Remain transparent in all stages of the secession process.
  • Disallow external local or global demoralising, degrading indoctrination or influences, or global control that threatens or impacts on the liberties of the Capelanders.

Self-determination can be achieved in two ways namely via internal or external process.

The organisations, groups and movements affiliated with the United Cape States Transitional Authority elected to adhere to the international process of secession, the “vehicle” to obtain self-determination and sovereign independence. With the international process we strictly remain bound by the clear expression referring to self-determination.

The right to self-determination and independence of a group or groups of people is above, and removed from the influence or interference by any party politics or ruling government.

Among various covenants, charters, conventions and treaties this is evident in Article 20(1) of the African (Banjul) Charter: “All peoples shall have the right to existence. They shall have the unquestionable and inalienable right to self-determination. They shall freely determine their political status and shall pursue their economic and social development according to the policy they have freely chosen..”

  • As such we are vastly different in our approach and focus , and this is embedded in our supporting principles.
  • The primary objective of the UCS-TA is and always will remain to free the Capelander people from the bondage of political and global agendas that directly negatively impact on their human rights.
  • We ensure that no external powers will influence or interfere with the will of the people, whether local or global, and of political or any other origin.
  • We ensure that no external powers will influence or interfere with the will of the people, whether local or global, and of political or any other origin.
  • As excplicitly outlined in international law, the UCS focuses laser-like on liberation of THE PEOPLE (the Who), where the territory (the Where) is determined as the secondary element according to the proven historical connection of the people to such territory (the Cape).
  • The will of the people shall firstly form the unconditional foundation of their rights and their liberties that will determine their quality of life as future citizens of the Cape. Any party politics will have to be aligned to embrace these rights and liberties.
  • We ensure that all legislation and regulation applied to effectively govern the United Cape States across all its departments and divisions will embrace our people’s God-given rights under inalienable common law and natural law principles.
  • The people shall govern, and this is not mere lip service but assurance that once stability is achieved the people themselves will by democratic election processes determine their government leadership at municipal, state and central government levels AND will retain the inalienable right to veto laws impacting on their liberties.

Read or download the comprehensive document of the why, who, where, how and when of the Cape will claim independence.